Steven Hartman
December 2009 - I was sitting around with friends talking about how New Year’s resolutions always fail. I argued that they only fail because people are not realistic. I was then challenged to make a New Year’s resolution that would succeed. This begins my story. My New Year’s resolution was to dedicate myself to as many people as possible for a month.
Doing what? I had no clue. So, I started brainstorming ideas that I thought would help people. I came up with a few, ranging from study sessions for students, motivational talks to teens, big brother programs and even becoming a friend to as many homeless people as possible. I couldn’t choose who deserved it more, so I decided I would help them all. I thought about how I could incorporate all these “New Year’s resolutions" into one. I was spending so much time thinking about what to do, but it seemed that the one place I truly felt happy and whole, was the gym.
I thought, “What does the gym do for you?” I started writing everything down and an entire sheet of paper later, I knew I wanted everyone to have at least half the feeling I got from the gym. I began a Facebook page called "Dedicated Motivated”. DM didn't have a location or time but I knew the idea was to offer classes that would involve a physical, mental and emotional workout. This class would be free to help everyone kick-start their new year and for me to fulfill my own resolution. No one had any excuses not to attend because it was totally free.
I had no idea what would come out of it, but I was determined to give my all for one month. I was completely confident in all my target areas: Physical- because I have always been an athlete. I played football all my life, took home trophies from tae-kwon-dow tournaments, boxed and trained with some of toughest upcoming fighters in Arizona. Mental and emotional- because I work full-time with children and adults with mental and emotional challenges. In turn, they challenged me beyond my mental and emotional comfort zones. I thought, “There’s no way I can fail. I’m conditioned for this.”
I found a hall to rent and then the date and time were set, January 4th at 6pm. Many friends and strangers came out to support my New Year’s resolution that was supposed to last a month. After the class, I received many high fives, hugs and phone calls. I felt really good about my resolution, but it wasn’t until I received several requests to keep Dedicated Motivated going and a phone call that made me realize that this was not just a resolution. It was something bigger. The caller said to me, "I have no money to pay you or anything to give you but I will for sure work on being able to give someone the confidence you gave me in one hour. I don’t really know you, but my family and I thank you. I now have a more positive attitude." That's when I knew I was blessed with a gift. And the blessings continued to walk in the door. I AM DM!!